R.J. – New Jersey

“A few weeks ago, my family’s life changed dramatically. My father had a stroke, was living 750 miles away, went to rehab. And was unable to return home in Florida. With a long list of questions, only an inkling of where to start, and little time to get it all done before he arrived, we called Janet Rubin of Elder Care Consultants. In a matter of only two weeks, we had medical equipment, home health aides, a general practitioner, and an enormous amount of information all lined up (among many other things).

I can’t imagine what it would have taken to get all of this accomplished without the help of Janet. Janet brought a level of concern and compassion for our situation that really made us all feel confident that everything was going to be OK. I feel confident that all I have to do is pick up the phone, call Janet, and know that I will be speaking with someone who has the experience to know what to do. Janet, my family and I thank you so very much!!”

Chris Coles